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The School Administrator


                The great President George Washington said, “It is impossible for me to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.” This statement remains true in any field of endeavour, especially in the field of education. That success in educating our learners demands the teaching of the Bible in our school. Professor Howard Henrick says “Successful teaching not only opens the mind but also stirs the emotions, fires the imagination, galvanizes the will.” We teach for the impact upon the learners. As the administrator of Mabolo Christian Academy of Mabolo, Cebu City, I am convinced that the school must have intensified its resolve to implement the Bible, which is God’s Holy Word, as the foundation of all moral principles essential to the development of the whole person.

            The society we live in today is alarming and disturbing, especially for the youth which is a period of tremendous growth and development. It is also a time when young people are confronted with the myriad of life-endangering concerns and critical issues. For instance, young people are experimenting with illicit drugs and alcohol at increasingly younger ages. Many of them are also choosing to engage in premarital sex, leading to a rise in unwanted pregnancies, abortions, single parenthood, and sexually transmitted diseases. One more instance, some youths may not be experiencing these worse issues mentioned but are suffering from computer addiction, laziness, and act of disobedience to parents and authorities. I believe that these concerns are spiritual issues, which if not addressed can be the cause of poor academic performance and achievement of students which is an academic issue.

            I agree with what the Biblemode President, Dr. Benny Abante Jr. said, “As I reflected on how the youth live in these perilous times, I could not but compare past generations of young people. Because in this present time youths easily adopt to, and cope with the rapid changes in technology, that they can do almost anything now by the tip of their fingers, and success can be easily obtained without too much effort on their part, the get-rich-quick mentality, but devoid of character and integrity that Christian young people must be known for.”

            Now for the third time, the MCA is hosting the Day Camp for the Grade 5 to Grade 10 students, with the objective to realize the fulfilment of the school’s mission and vision statements:

“ provide quality Christian education that facilitates the total development of students so that they become motivated to both academic and Biblical excellence and may contribute to the welfare of the church and society that sustain them.” and “ produce values-driven and competent graduates who are obedient to God-given authorities (the Family, the Church, the Government, and Employment) as an excellent proof of a Christ-like character.”

             These mission and vision statements demonstrate not only its distinction as a Bible-based institution, but it reinforced the Bible as a powerful tool that will assess the spiritual needs of the youth, particularly the High School Students of Mabolo Christian Academy, thereby increasing their chances of academic success.

            This Day Camp program will be conducted in order to come up with a well constructed and life-changing learning activities as a means to assess their present spiritual needs and to educate and develop them Biblically and holistically in a fast and changing world.


-Pastor Jimbo Cortes

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Address: 13 C. Borces St., Mabolo, Cebu City

Tel No.: 2323892

Mabolo Christian Academy

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