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Laidene Osmeña

Debbie Torrefiel

Gio Diaz

It was 2005 and I was a grade 1 student back then. the address was back there in Cuaqo. The area was so large and there was even a huge parking lot. We didn't need to rent places for the school events. The Principal's office and cashier were separated. The cafeteria was large and so was the basketball court.

When I was in grade 3. The school was transferred to a new location. It was smaller than the previous location. Everybody had to adjust, even the classes. We had morning half-day classes with an hour for each subject. The high school students had the afternoon classes because there wasn't enough classrooms yet.

After some time, the new building was established. when I was in grade 6, MCA had grown much better than expected. It was a great manifestation of the Lord's grace. The number of the students increased. It's promising progress seems unstoppable.

After a year, we received great news. We topped the National Achievement Test. It was pretty amazing. We felt that we were able to showcase God's wisdom and the school's effort. After 2 more years, I was a 4th year student. I was about to say goodbye to the school that gave me God's word and taught me a lot. A lot of students enrolled, a lot of new school events. Mabolo Christian Academy has proved to all that doubted it. Mabolo Christian Academy, with God, all things are possible.

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Address: 13 C. Borces St., Mabolo, Cebu City

Tel No.: 2323892

Mabolo Christian Academy

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